About Temple

“ஸ்ரீ வேதபுரி சாய்பாபா ஆலயம்”

“Shri Vedapuri SaiBaba Temple”

SaiBaba is the Kali Yuga's Guru, providing all the gifts to his followers who could possibly desire, as well as healing the ill, feeding the hungry and guiding them through life.

The name "Shri Vedapuri Saibaba" which is based on the name of Lord Shiva, Shri Vedapureswarar, in the sacred land of Vedapuri (now known as Puducherry), where many holy Saints dwelt, is currently being offered by Lord Shri Shirdi SaiBaba to his followers.

History of the Temple:

The founder of the temple, Dr. S.V. Manikanthan, adopted Shirdi SaiBaba as his Guru and practised adoration. In June 2018, he purchased a home for his Guru with the intention of performing all the good deeds performed by Baba throughout his lifetime and obtaining his blessings. Bhoomi Pooja was completed and temple building began on September 1, 2019, sponsored by Melange Academic Research Associates, Puducherry, India.

One of the wonders during construction was that a Neem tree was waving its branches as a sign of Baba's determination to reveal the place when the location of the god was being considered. The Neem Tree was kept next to Baba's statue, which had been designated as the location of his instructions.

Shri Vedapuri SaiBaba is the main deity of the temple. Sri Bala Ganapathy who is the first of all Ganapathy is present to the right side of SaiBaba and Sri Maha Lakshmi who is the ruler of wealth is present to the left side of SaiBaba by showering their blessings to the devotees.

The temple has an eastward orientation. Dwarakamayi is situated close to the entrance on SaiBaba's right side. A serene, lovely natural setting rich of neem trees and flowering plants surrounds the shrine.